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Quick Q&A: Robby Wolfe, St. Thomas Academy baseball

By Star Tribune, 05/25/13, 7:19PM CDT


Wolfe is a corner outfielder on St. Thomas Academy’s baseball team that has hovered around the .500 mark all season.



Wolfe is a corner outfielder on St. Thomas Academy’s baseball team that has hovered around the .500 mark all season. Here is a closer look at Wolfe, who also played football for the Cadets:

The best movie I’ve seen in the past year: “The Dark Knight Rises.”

Three words or phrases my friends or teammates might use to describe me: Competitive, driven, funny.

Three songs I never skip on my iPod are … “Say It Ain’t So” by Weezer; “Small Steps” by Heiruspecs; “Sunshine” by Atmosphere.

How did you get started playing baseball? I started playing baseball when I was 4, and it’s been my life ever since.

At my first varsity practice, I felt … nervous playing with so many already accomplished athletes.

What is your favorite pregame meal? A Jimmy John’s sandwich.

To get focused for a game, I … block everything out of my mind and focus on what I can do to help the team.

I know I have an edge on an opponent when … they’re obviously frustrated with how the game is going.

If you could change one thing about high school sports, what would it be? I would make the baseball season longer.

In 10 years, I hope I’m … playing baseball for the Los Angeles Angels.

What is the best sports advice you have ever received? “If you’re gonna go down, go down swinging.”


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